Direct in touch
Phone: +31 (0)6 54 203 906

The core of what we do

We connect conscious consumers with sustainable brands. Together with brands that bring about positive impact within the chain.

Affordable sustainable consumption

Easy and reliable

Information about the offer of sustainable products and brands is always checked on authenticity and content.

Attractively priced

Our only income is the annual subscription. This is how we keep the price low, transparent and affordable.


Your personal page on which customized purchase advices, achieved benefits and  impact contribution insights are given.

Doing business in modern times

Responsible and social entrepreneurship requires a continuous balance between social interests, economic results and shareholder value.

Apparent contradictions! But it is precisely this balance that leads to better results, reduction of risk and added value for all stakeholders. Our social contribution is managed by our independent foundation.

Our foundation supports local projects financially




We donate 2% of our annual subscriptions to 'good causes'. This financially supports local social and societal projects.

Learn more about the Foundation →



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